Smart B2B Business Development
How do our clients find hundreds of new customers?
Make a difference
We would love to see you make differentiating choices and stand out. Determine your current position, and choose your destination. Select the first opportunity and find a smart way to start reaching out to your target audience. Want to know how? Keep on reading or contact us.

Buyers are people,
make B2B personal
When you walk into a shop, how do you want the staff to act? What feeling do you get when they start stalking you?
Too many companies are trying to sell their product or solution to prospects. Most people do not want you to sell them something, they want to choose a solution for their challenge.
Prospects will, however, allow you to advise them, as long as you are truly interested in their business and their personal challenges.

Start Smart &
idolize continuity
It is our mission to help companies to become Smart and Continuous in their B2B business development.
Find out how to engage with your prospects in a smart way. Add value, convince, and conquer whole subgroups. Use tooling for automation and data retrieval. Use insights to keep on tuning your approach.
Keep on contacting new prospects, in a smart way, every day and never stop.
Selling to the brains (of people)
Switching suppliers feels like taking risks. Prospects, people will only move if the gains of switching seem to be bigger, than the risks of not changing at all. Plus: ‘Can I justify this move to my boss/to myself?’ So how do you overcome this hurdle?
Think, empathize, invite. Once you have started, keep on contacting new prospects continuously. Refining the process along the way.
Read, think, respond, ask questions, and listen to the answers. Collaborate without expectations. Build a relationship. Gain trust.
Serve and be an authority in your business. Make an impact with relevant content. Observe, flatter, supplement, approach, assist, convince, conquer.
We hardly engaged with prospects proactively. But it is necessary to fill the top of our funnel!
Thanks to Social Runner we got it done and my approach is still personal. Continuously I get introduced to relevant prospects that are ready to meet!
We like to make it personal. But preparing live events is time-consuming and was not always profitable.
TachYons makes our events more thoughtful and distinctive. Now our events are fully booked, they resonate and follow-up is guaranteed in the project!
Tools & Services by TachYons
Social Runner
Looking for new customers, applicants, or franchisees? Want to be more successful and effective? Or do you want to spend more time with your family? This will be your next favorite service!
Show it to me…
Marketing Automation
Are you sure all your customers and prospects are nurtured? Which customers have had no contact with your company in the last 3 months? Are they in the market for a repeat purchase or upsell?
Constant Contact how?
LinkedIn campaigns
Are your LinkedIn campaigns turning into camPAIgNs? Confused by the new subscription types, continuous chances, and rising add rates? Team with us to start your new favorite campaign!
Campaigns? Tell me more…
Strategy & tide
Do you have a strategy for your company? Or are you working on it?
It helps to have somebody with a fresh and different perspective take a good look before you start to execute.
Okay helmsman, tell me more…
Wondering why your marketing effort is not paying off? Who are all those website visitors, and why do they not convert? Invested a lot in your website and is it not paying back? This will be your next favourite tool!
Show me the magic…
Business consultancy
What are your options in the current position? How to balance chances and changes? We have got experience in for example Retail, Restaurants, ICT, Trade, Franchising, and SaaS.
Show the consultants…
Sharing stories in blogs, video’s and podcasts
Inspiration & experience
A few Drops of Inspiration every other week
Every other week we send out a drop of Inspiration mixed with a few drops of Tips & Experiences for smart B2B business development. We currently have 1.263 subscribers enjoying the drops. Want to receive Drops of inspiration too?
Our S.T.I.G. methodology
We need to understand where you are coming from, where you want to go, and why. With inspiration, reference, and support and by collecting data, we make a smart B2B business development plan for you. Then we test the waters and execute. With data from tools guiding us, we persevere until we succeed!
What is your Infinite Game? What are your long-term goals? Why is there a place for your company in your marketplace?
How does your product, service, or proposition make a difference to your customers?
Are there any markets left that can do without tooling? Using applications to automate activities for efficiency is only one of the reasons that make choosing the right tooling essential. But probably more important is gathering data to make Smart decisions.
“S.T.I.G. assures a comprehensive approach to the B2B challenges of our customers. From in-depth interviews to thorough plans and continuous execution.”
Jack Weber (Founder TachYons)
We do not only mean Data here. Insights might come from the tooling you use. Many insights come from interactions with prospects, customers, and peers.
Utilize data to make decisions based on facts and use experience in the field to choose new options.
If you choose your battles Smart and in line with your long term goals, the infinite game has started. You are meeting relevant new prospects and gaining respect. Time to conquer and monetize the value you add.
Never reside, keep on tuning to optimize. Growth is inevitable.
More results in your reports
All your projects at TachYons have at least a monthly results report. We continuously survey you on your experiences in your marketplace. What is the news on the street? How can we improve our tactics to optimize results?
We see it as our pleasant duty to keep on exploring, to go ahead until your challenge is met.
Your brains explore when you meet new people
When you meet somebody. You feel an instant sentiment, even on a video call. The meeting progresses, and you subconsciously fill in details you did not even consider in the first moments. Lovely how our brains work. Let’s experience that together. What kind of meeting do you prefer?
Schedule a
Choose a convenient time for your obligation free online meeting.
Schedule a
Want to visit us in our Reeuwijk office? What’s the topic?
Schedule a
phone call
You can call us now or plan a call at the moment that suits you best.
Email a
Don’t feel like calling? Sometimes an email is more suitable.
Our most loved service
Is LinkedIn a great platform to engage with your target audience? Then Social Runner is your (legal) steroids.
Our clients are successful because we continuously contact new relevant prospects, with a compelling message. In their name, we grow the beginning of a professional B2B relationship. We seamlessly transfer the contact with a prospect when he or she is ready to get into more far-reaching contact.
We make sure your appearance on LinkedIn is professional, relevant, and adds value to your prospects.
If it suits you, we will assist in content creation and publication. You can still use and enjoy your profile as much as you want. But we will make sure you are perceived as a valuable person in the network of your prospects.
How do you complete a marathon? Do not stop.
We connect you to more and more prospects. We keep on going every day, every week, the whole year round.
We start 1-on-1 conversations, ask questions and add value. Most importantly: we are always ready to convert the contact into a meeting.
Do you want to know why these projects are almost always successful? We choose a Smart strategy and keep on using insights from collected data and testing to find the most effective route.
By deploying A/B tests with different messages, styles, and subgroups, we find out which ways work best. We report at least monthly, to stay on top!
Common retail platforms were waning. Social Runner gave me a pro-active edge over the lagging competition.
Retail expert, Franchise Makelaar
I have a true challenge with the expert shortages in my market. Social Runner keeps on finding needles (candidates) in my haystack already 3 years and counting. I get in contact with candidates before they are aware that they are available.
Director, Ardosz
Want to explore your 'marathon'?
We are looking forward to hearing what the challenges are in your market and situation.
If you want Smart B2B business development, we are ready to listen, contribute to your success, and execute!
Social Runner might just be what you need…